Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Florida Juice

Here I am, back in sunny (well, most of the time) Florida. A friend was kind enough to take me in indefinitely. I earn my keep by assisting with organizing, handling office and real estate fun stuff. I am not right on the beach but only a few minute drive to Anna Maria Island. My feet thrill in the “powdered sugar” sand and there are a variety of shells there too. Out the back sliding glass door, there is a little lake which is frequented by birds of all kinds including blue herons, egrets and Canada geese. Half a block away is a park where I sometimes run. The 2 lakes there connected by a little creek also contribute to my wildlife fix. A few blocks away (a few minutes running) is the intracoastal waterway. While not exactly the beach, there are numerous similarities for me to enjoy as I run on the roadway parallel it.

One day as I was running in the park, a tiny bit of doubt about some of my decisions raised its miniscule intrusive head. Thankfully I was able to shift within seconds and express gratitude for how well the Universe was providing for me. As I did that I started seeing more amazing things in nature. I saw an osprey nest in the stadium lights with one parent nurturing a little one (or two). Next thing I see the other osprey flying overhead carrying a fish in it’s talons for the family breakfast. The sun rose ablaze in crazy colors resembling pink, orange, purple and gold. It was huge! The most amazing confirmation that I was in the perfect place at the perfect time for me….I found a 7 inch long conch shell at the edge of the lake. That’s 7 inches with part of its “tail” broken off so it was probably 8 or 9 originally. This is not the kind of thing one would find by a lake. This is the kind of treasure I would find on my beach!

I am now officially endorsed to “legally” ride a motorcycle. I figure whenever I am in a position to acquire my next vehicle, a motorcycle will be more economical with original purchase, insurance and fuel. For now I’m looking for ways to win one :-)

As mentioned before, I must admit I do have my moments…..my moments that I get frustrated about not manifesting the streams of income yet to live according to a certain lifestyle that I was accustomed to. However, most of the time, gratefully I appreciate that I do have a roof, transportation, food and fun every day. While I don’t have income in the traditional way, I am provided for as I put out to the world in so many ways. I touch hundreds of peoples’ lives each day with a smile, a hug, a phone call, an e-mail, a reference, or simply an energetic exchange. I share this as I know there are some other people in similar circumstances. What goes around does come around and again a huge thanks for all who have and are contributing to my life!

The Universe is indeed providing generously for me through so many incidents and beautiful angels called “humans”. Some of these angels are in the form of CPAs. If you are an individual living in California or a business in the USA and could benefit from some of the most awesome CPAs ever, please contact my angels at Roschke & Wall. They perform miracles! 

Please take a moment to investigate Telephone Wellness Coaching . I’d be honored to assist you or a loved one enhance your wellbeing. You also get a complimentary phone consultation to be sure we are a suitable match!

If you are ready to make some healthy nutrition changes in 2010, please consider Juice+ a nutritional support system that has been supporting my health for years.

If these musings have entertained, inspired, motivated or otherwise made a positive difference in your life, please consider making a contribution to keep them coming. PayPal is available on my Blogger Page and your check is also very welcome payable to “Michelle Hazlewood” and mailed to:
Michelle Hazlewood
1435 E Venice Ave #104-144
Venice FL 34292
Abundant thanks to all who have generously donated already. My deep appreciation and powerful angels surround you every day!

Some pics are posted on Facebook. To see them, please “friend me” on Facebook…just add Michelle Hazlewood.
Blessings, Appreciation & Love ~

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