Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where Have All The Humans Gone?

Over the past few years I’ve have more opportunity than before to contact “Customer Service” in numerous companies. 99.9% of the time I was greeted by a robotic answering system with many complicated selections to make - most of which where irrelevant to my issue. Frequently I’d be on hold for 20 minutes to an hour and it wouldn’t be unusual to be disconnected at any point and have to dial in starting the whole process over again. If I finally did get a person, they would ask me for all the info that I had to enter into the automated system before. They’d want me to explain my situation only to tell me they couldn’t do anything about it and would transfer me to someone else. When transferred, I’d have to verify all my info again, tell my story again, and often be passed on to someone else. Many times I’d get cut off in the process and have to start all over again only to have no records of calling anyone before or my situation. I could go on and on about being transferred back and forth to the same departments since the one always pointed the finger in the other direction but you get the picture. The icing on the cake would be, after one of these particularly long, tedious events in which it was determined that they could do absolutely nothing to help or accommodate my needs at all, the person would say, “Is there anything else I can do to assist you?” So I started out communicating with robots through the automated system and ended communicating with humans trained to be robots.

I know I am not the only one who has had such experiences. The whole issue was not brought up to complain about the past but to emphasize how refreshing it is to have a whole different situation. Calling my friends at AXICOM is like a breath of fresh air. Usually the phone is answered by always bright and cheery Melanie. Otherwise, another staff member generally greets you. If you are calling after hours, or during a particularly busy time, and leaving a message is necessary, it is very easy and a caring human gets back to you promptly. While AXICOM’s people are all incredible experts at what they do with computers and technology, their customer service could easily entice one to do their computer/technology business with the real human caregivers at !

Along the lines of loving customer care, I definitely pride myself in that as well. There are a number ways you personally can experience this:

· Universal Wellness Telephone Coaching (Wherever You Are!)

· Using Juice Plus – a fantastic nutritional support system…..

· Booking a Personalized Retreat here in FL on Casey Key

· Enrolling in my Renewal/Movement/Relaxation Classes taught locally (Nokomis FL)

· Staying here at cozy Harbor Lights Beach Resort for a glorious beach vacation/rejuvenation

For details regarding a retreat, my group classes or being a guest at Harbor Lights, please e-mail me.

Be prepared for Real Customer Service!

By the way, something juicy has come across my path regarding the Spa Retreat but I need a few more signs before knowing if it is a go. Please send your good energies to assist me in clearly dancing forward. Thank you for hanging in there with me with your warm love and encouraging support! I will keep you posted…..


  1. Hi Michelle, I like your style. Thanks for brightening up our world. And yeah, I don't get those automated answering machine things. I know they are trying to save costs but seriously ...

    1. Hello Erika,
      I don't know if you will ever see this reply as it is now over 2 years later. I am still not so great with technology so don't know if I didn't see this or what. Just wanted to thank you for reading my work (play) and let you know how honored I am with you leaving your kind words.
      Namaste ~ Michelle

  2. "humans trained to be robots" ... now eight years later ... it hasn't gotten any better. Now, when I'm lucky, I get to talk to a human in another country with a thick accent who I can't hear anyway because s/he is talking from a room filled with 100s of other loudly chatting humans. I keep having to say "ummm, sorry... could you repeat that."

  3. It certainly isn't conducive to a high quality of life, Peter, either for the frustrated customer or the poor person trying to help in less than healthy circumstances. That's why people like you and me have to BE the change we want to see ;-)
