Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Gina’s Hug Seat

As many of you are aware, I had an exciting opportunity on Casey Key FL which might have turned out to be the humble beginning of my Tropical Dolphin Retreat.  I am actively looking for investors or financial partners to enable this reality to birth. In my efforts to do so, I have contacted over 1,000 people in my efforts to make the appropriate connections. Although I have not reached everyone yet I’ve desired, due to lack of adequate internet connection, I was able to send messages to a number of my Friends on FaceBook. This is how I was graced with a wonderful response from Gina Gaudio-Graves.
She asked me a little more about my project, connected me to a couple powerful like-minded people and invited me to schedule a telephone meeting with her. I was thrilled and grateful for her offer and so valued our phone time together. In addition to sharing some of my situation and goals, I learned about Gina’s personal story. Talk about someone who has defied all odds and doctor’s prognosis of only having 12 months to live! Gina’s thriving presence on this planet is a testimonial to her tenacity after a potentially devastating car accident and choosing to shift adversity into thriving health and prosperity. During our conversation, Gina recommended I get to know a couple people that had similarities to me. Dale Smith is the owner of Cabins of Birch Hollow in Kentucky. It is a delightful place to visit for a retreat, family gathering or beautiful vacation in nature. The cabins are also an excellent opportunity for folks with 1031 exchange money to invest. www.cabinsofbirchhollow.com Cynthia Gardner O’Neill is the driving force behind www.lovingconsciousness.com . She leads workshops and retreats as well as providing many resources for heart-centered living. Simply visiting her website is an inspiring, uplifting experience. Gina also told me about a business building program she offers through Directions University www.directionsuniversity.com a successful business training company she leads with business partner Jack Humphrey. As part of this program, she hosts a weekly call focusing on a specific person and their business in the Hug Seat.
That’s right it’s Hug Seat, not Hot Seat, as I am beginning to sense something of an enlightened slant here. Gina generously invites me to be in her Hug Seat. Initially I have misgivings as I feel my situation is too unique and I think where I am and want to be may be too far off for the purpose of this forum. I tell Gina that I wouldn’t be able to commit for the next 3 weeks as I will be in Hawaii. To which she responds, “That’s perfect as I already have the next 3 weeks booked. The next availability is June 4.” I am a person who pays attention to signs and walks through peaceful doors. I accepted telling her I will accept this gift as that is my birthday. Then she tells me her birthday is the next day and the same year. Essentially we were born almost energetically at the same time. 

As you may have read in my previous post, I had a magnificent Hawaiian trip. Still buzzing with that dynamic and the excitement of my birthweek, I looked forward to our call with great anticipation. I did not get a chance to listen to the recordings of any previous calls so I really wasn’t sure what to expect. The only thing that was a given is that I would contribute as much as I would receive. Evidently I presented my “story” well as there was some mention of such. The other participants on the call got to benefit from my story as comments given to me applied to them too. I was joyfully overwhelmed with the generous ideas, resources and recommendations offered to me by Gina, Jack and the other participants on the call.

In the conversation I got to “meet” a number of new friends and potential business compliments. Cher Fauvel is another shining example of someone choosing her own life path in spite of the odds. Through www.rawfoodenergybenefits.com Cher guides people in ways to achieve vibrant health and optimum energy via raw foods. Does the Coastal Life resonate with you? You’ll probably enjoy the offerings of Trish Samson via www.mycoastalmuse.com . V Lynn Hawkins offers business coaching and consulting through www.skyhawkenterprises.biz. She expertly provides growth strategies, funding, coaching and consulting for business owners.

I expressed my knowledge and expertise of many different (and necessary) business aspects. At the same time I shared that just because I am good at something, doesn’t mean it is good for my soul to be participating in these activities. So again the topic arose of potentially partnering with someone. If you, or someone you know, loves accounting, marketing, is technology savvy and would be open to discussing a partnership for my Tropical Dolphin Spa Retreat, please let me know .

Excitement, resonance, hope, and appreciation washed over me in waves in the process of Gina’s gift of this call. There were no immediate obvious life changing actions to take as a result of this opportunity but many baby steps. Again, there was that immense feeling of confirmation of being in exactly the right place at the exact right time even without all the clear “why’s” of it all.

Huge thank you Gina and all you new beloveds that I am now blessed to be in contact with! I am grateful for the part you are playing in this magnificent journey of life on this planet. Of course, I am in deep appreciation for all my old (yes, we go way back) friends that continue to support and dance together after all these years.

Stay tuned for the next development in my adventures coming soon and stay well. If you could use assistance in this area, I am currently available for Telephone Wellness Coaching and still providing one of the best nutritional support systems available….Juice Plus

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