Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Really…..the Desert?!

At one point, while at Suenos del Mar in Puerto Cayo, it became very clear it was time for me to move on. My new God-sent friend Mary offered me an invitation. She asked if I’d like her to accompany me to nearby Puerto Lopez to investigate possibilities of a work exchange for me there. My immediate internal reaction was No, I did not want to stay in this desert Ecuador much longer at all!  Of course Ecuador
is not all desert (there is the Amazon, the Andes and more) but much of it along the beach is. For those who know me, the beach is a non-negotiable necessity for me. I’d already begun to research opportunities in other countries too. However, when I truly went within - beyond my human impulses, it felt as if taking her up on her generous, perhaps intuitive, offer was my perfect “next step”. It was a gorgeous day when we arrived at the small fishing village of Puerto Lopez. First we visited a friend of hers at Mandala Hosteria and asked for recommendations. Then, we spoke with people at three other places
where I also left my card. Mary asked if I wanted to check out any of the other dozens of places around town. Again my inner guidance was clear and it was a no. Later that evening, I followed up with the three places and only one representative responded back, Andrea of Nantu Hosteria. Mary was kind enough to again accompany me back to Puerto Lopez to meet with Andrea and Mauritz. After a warm chat, we decided to give it a go. Our agreement was for an indefinite time frame – one day at a time as long as it was happy for all parties involved.

Hostels are a kind of accommodation I’ve been aware of since my charming niece Alana educated me of such when she traveled around Europe. However, a hosteria was a new concept for me. And it is not a hostel. I learned the commonly accepted difference in the area between a "hotel" and a "hosteria" is that a "hosteria" has what are known as green areas. Hotels are blocks of rooms
surrounded by concrete. A hosteria has plants, trees and garden areas designed artistically throughout the property. Nantu is definitely designed artistically both inside and out which you can see for yourself if you’d like to visit their website. Each of the rooms has its own unique creative décor as well.

This place was almost the opposite of my last experience if things could be measured as such. I was very much appreciated there and felt what I was doing really made a significant positive difference. My daily morning yoga classes taught poolside saw many different faces as guests came and went. It took me a while to get used to being referred to as Professor de Yoga. I even had a local gal, Manuela, who frequented my classes brightening them with the
energy of her presence. She and her partner have a Spanish cuisine restaurant down the Malecon (main road along the beach) called Paella Mar. I would be seen there many an evening enjoying one of my favorite treats, Crème Brulee, concocted perfectly the authentic way. I was also able to help people through massage and even a bit of working with crystals. I participated in the day to day activities of a business that required attention and enjoyed my interaction with the staff. This exchange was often humorous as I still don’t know much more Spanish than when I arrived. At first I thought I would finally learn more as only Andrea and Mauritz are bi-lingual. Then, the same impediment showed up as so often before. I began to use some of the Spanish I previously picked up - somewhat proud that I could put a few words together. My pleasure quickly diminished as the Spanish spoken there was, yet again, very different than other Spanish speaking countries I’ve visited. If I planned on actually living in one place, I’d definitely learn the language of the area. Since I knew I’d be moving on, Spanish learning got put on hold, yet again, for me. These hilarious guys hit the nail on the head regarding my language experience in this short Youtube video. While you are playing on youtube, there is a fun promotional video of Ecuador in which Mauritz' red jeep played a prominent part. If you look carefully, you can see the round Nantu sticker on the side rear of the vehicle.

Days turned into weeks. I was still living one day at a time being conscious of the signs given to me. Conscious definitely does not mean always understanding. For example: Sarasota came up for me 3 times in one week….
1) My new angel friend Mary now living in Ecuador, originally from Texas, went to visit a relative a few years back when he lived on....Casey Key. She even collected sand and shells in a bag which is stored at a friend's house in TX. When that friend comes to visit, she will bring the suitcase with the Casey Key "beach" in it.
2) A couple from Vermont were guests here at Nantu and her dad lives in Sarasota.
3) A personal training friend in CA said he was getting his act together so he could move to Sarasota.
There was actually another guest who also brought up the area but I no longer remember the circumstance. One of the projects I was involved with at Nantu was helping refurbish a dry docked boat which they are transforming into an additional whimsical unit for the hosteria. This boat was acquired in Ecuador and supposedly came from Canada.

You can only imagine my complete surprise - ok, maybe not complete surprise - when I saw the sticker pictured here right near the steering wheel inside where the skipper stands..... All I can say is it sure adds to my puzzle!

Another interesting thing – it was almost uncanny how I have managed to shift time in a fantastic way during my whole stay in Ecuador. Two weeks felt like two months. When I’d muse about certain events that took place on a previous day, it was mind boggling to realize these things transpired only yesterday.

I still don’t know all the reasons I was guided to be in the desert, one of my least favorite environments. There was the obvious soul connection with Mary who, by the way, made a tribute to me in her recent blog post  for which I am deeply honored. There was the interaction with my gracious hosts Andrea and Mauritz and their warm staff. I was definitely gifted to see many ways I was able to assist others and feel appreciated for it. I also had numerous nature miracles for my enjoyment regularly. And, for sure, I am super grateful to have been comfortably warm the whole time as I saw pics of people all bundled up everywhere else including Florida. I loved being barefoot for 3 months- shorts and spaghetti straps constituting my daily uniform.
And so……the journey continues…. 

How is your life adventure going? Would you like some guidance in adding more joy and awakening within it? Might you be open to new ways of infusing wellness into your life? How about assistance incorporating change in your world? After not having phone communication for 3 months, it appears I will be connected that way for long enough time to do some Telephone Wellness Coaching. If you feel this may benefit you, please check out the details and contact me soon so we can get the full time necessary together. Technological connections in my future are still unknown :-) 


  1. ♡ great pics. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for taking the time to travel with me and let me know :-)
