Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Aloha and Mahalo

My 48 hour drive from Florida to California paid off. I was able to have some Halloween fun with my kids. Carved pumpkin creations with Jeff and became Cleopatra with Tasha aka Natasha Romanoff. Sure helps staying a “kid” myself!
It was only a short rest period as, less than a week later, I was having an eagle’s eye view of clouds, land and sea en route to the Big Island of Hawaii. The Hilo side was lush with greenery due to the fact it rains quite often. Kona’s coast brought a bit less rain and a beauty all its own.

One of the most magnificent opportunities I was privileged to have was a close encounter with a large pod of Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins. Guiding me to Kealakekua Bay was my intuitive dolphin sister, Kim Nelli. We have been “friends” for years but hadn’t met in person until that day. Our sisterhood goes way back lifetimes but our friendship this time started when I saw Kim’s youtube welcoming her daughter Naiya into this world….assisted in labor by dolphins! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lmg7MKnW2Zc I contacted her and had been trying to meet in person for years seeming to just miss each other many times…..in California, in Florida and Hawaii. Just a reminder all happens in Divine Timing.  Our dolphin magic unfolded in spite of the cloud coverage keeping the sun from illuminating the turquoise depths. Spinners appeared everywhere….playing, leaping and interacting with us. There were at least 10 proud mamas showing off their precious babies. I was so thrilled I felt like I would burst with the inexplicable feelings communicated via the dolphins. One even sported a leaf on his (or her) pectoral fin. I so wanted to dive down and play the "leaf game" but forgot how buoyant doubling 2 wet suits can be! It was impossible for me to leave the surface. The dolphins comforted me in my dilemma by frequently swimming close by making a myriad of clicks, whistles and other pulsating sounds. They even created enchanting rainbow bubbles that danced to the surface fairly magically. Kim captured much of it on video and shared a brief clip with me . While not the clearest visibility, you will easily identify our finned friends and…..yep, the neoprene "float" is me :-) https://www.facebook.com/kimnelli/videos/10156237958890032/

Kim has teamed up with another dolphin sister (another serendipitous connection of mine), Yu-Wen Allison Lu and a couple more goddesses I’ve not met yet. Together they have created an experience called Conscious Pregnancy Retreats. To learn more about this, please visit their website /http://consciouspregnancyretreats.com/

My parents and I had awesome experiences in Hawaii. With
hundreds of amazing photos, it was hard to decide on which few to include. While perhaps there may have been better choices, I’ve selected the ones here or this blog post won’t get out this year!

Profuse thanks - Mahalo Nui again for sharing my adventures and supporting them in so many wondrous ways. Please let me know if there is any way I can assist you on your journey through Telephone Wellness Coaching, NutritionalSupport or the Tower Garden. Be sure to stayed tuned for where I will “surface” next ;-) Wishing you and yours delightful holidays. Vibrant health, child-like happiness and dolphin love throughout your 2016 too!


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