Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Gift of Pura Vida

A view of the endless Pacific in one direction and the ever changing mysterious cloud forest in another, our delightful Costa Rica property sprawled almost an acre. Back in 2004, my former husband and I purchased this tropical paradise –  a mere 10 minute drive to the beach. Excitement abounded as well as visions of our dream home we would build there. Shortly thereafter a friend, who bought around the same time as we did, was having marital issues making owning real estate in Costa Rica no longer in his best interest. To help our friend, we purchased that land from him. We weren’t really sure what we’d do with it but it was in the same phase in the development our lot was located. You may have noticed the title “former husband” previously in this tale. From that you would correctly gather there would no longer be a dream home for us. So for years we have offered both lots for sale or trade.

Around the beginning of my gypsy travels (2009) –  I wound up in Costa Rica although Panama was on my itinerary for where I’d be starting my new life. Since Providence landed me a few miles from where our land was situated, I searched for ways that made sense to start manifesting my dreams there. After almost three months, the signs all pointed for me to move on. Clearly this was not the place.

Earlier this year, I alluded to a difficult situation I was experiencing – one in which I allowed myself to be weakened physically and spiritually. Doubting and second guessing myself and my intuition were some of the effects. During this surreal period, an opportunity arose. At this point I’d been offered a few less than desirable exchanges for the two lots in Costa Rica. Really….how would trading for barren acreage in Nevada with precious mineral possibilities interest me? It was then I first thought of giving the property away. Although I know my energetic contribution to the planet and humanity is significant, I got to thinking bigger. If I could donate the property to someone who could make a powerful, positive difference with it, that would certainly expand “being the change I wanted to see in this world”. When I mentioned this to the Jekyll/Hyde lost soul I was entangled with, it was immediately shot down. Would I really want to give the property away as opposed to getting say 10-50K? My first instinct was YES! But when questioned again, my Authentic Self began to fade away once more. Regaining my strength and self-connection in the months following, I remembered that incident again. Give the property away? Yes! That is exactly what felt right!

Presenting my potent idea to my potential worthy recipient had me practically bursting! This man is a high energy healer disguised as a master of chiropractic arts in California. While I was aware of his affinity to Costa Rica for some time, it was my Mom who actually refreshed my memory recently. Bilingual in English and Spanish, he loves the country and, just as importantly, the locals. Not your typical tourist who sees them as “background people”, this guy enjoys interacting with and getting to know the Ticos and Ticas of the land. Visions I had of him dividing his time and talent between California and Costa Rica as he assisted diverse populations from around the world were grand! When I first laid the gift idea in his lap, his mind was spinning with possibilities, questions, and considerations. The “what ifs” were infinite. Knowing the myriad implications of him accepting, I left him to consider -  not wanting to pressure him into an immediate decision. As time went on, his excitement and clarity got us on the path of making it happen.

Pretty much every legal transaction in Costa Rica requires an attorney to get involved no matter how small it may be or how closely the participants cooperate with each other. And, while it might make things easier, real estate transactions do not require one to be physically present in Costa Rica as some people were counselling me. Once my DC friend and I were clear that we were on, we wanted to get things rolling asap. Researching recommended attorneys was turning out quite different than anticipated. I wanted to get an idea of how they communicated with me and how they would handle this kind of situation before committing to use them. Not sure if they don’t need new business, the transaction was too small or complicated or they just didn’t like to be “shopped” as one of them indicated to me. Finally I ended up pulling strings by contacting an associate of a good friend of mine. This gentleman had large projects in progress in Costa Rica and definitely knows how things work there. He recommended an attorney in Uvita that they were considering using for their next project or something similar. She is originally from the United States, married a Tico and has two kids in Costa Rica. She is familiar with law in both countries. Her immediate response to my email left me thrilled and hopeful. Almost immediately my little voice inside told me this is who we were to do business with. My initial excitement dwindled a bit when the communication became less prompt and a bit cloudy. All the information I was trying to get was stated in my original email communication. Yet it took 5 weeks to get it all clarified to the point where monies were being wired to begin to execute the transaction. Strangely, through all of this (unlike some other situations in my life), I felt mysteriously at peace and patient. Events still felt like they were on track albeit perhaps via the scenic route. I had a sense I would have information for what was next in my life when I wrapped up the Costa Rica Gifting Project.
In the meantime, the delays where holding me in a loving place I’d decided to assist in until the completion....or another certain sign. In that place I was thrilled to be making a clear, awesome difference and the Universe was engaging me there, in a sense, as long as I was needed. A highly respectful place I might add...with a beautiful Lady. There is a phrase I often use with people asking me how long I will be somewhere….. “I shall stay until the wind changes” :-)

A while back I created a facebook page to help move the land in Central America. It was called, “Costa Rica Land 4 Sale or Trade”. That title has now been changed to “Gift of Costa Rica Land”. While things may not happen quickly, I foresee updates of the transformation being posted there over time. If you are on fb and have not already “liked” Costa Rica Land 4 Sale or Trade, please visit Gift of Costa Rica Land and be a part of Gaia’s bright evolution.

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