Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Warm Holidays

One of the memorable gifts I am infinitely grateful for this season is warmth! 80 some degree days? Oh yeah! It makes such a tremendous difference in my life when I am in a climate that supports and revitalizes me. At the same time, it thrills me to hear about others enjoying their snowy and more “winter appropriate” weather. Different strokes for different folks or we’d all be crowded in the exact same place at the same time. I wish for everyone to have the lives of their brightest desires as the energy of their joy emanates around the planet.

You may recall from my post Hola and Adios, August found me in Mexico as a Travel Companion. I anticipated that trip to extend to Mexico, Belize, Panama and Costa Rica for weeks, possibly even months. Just a day prior to departure for that trip, a friend in Florida called requesting my assistance with house/pet-sitting. Appreciative I was asked, I had to turn the opportunity down having already made the Travel Companion commitment. When things started going south in Mexico, pun intended, I emailed to see if there was still a need in Florida. The response was affirmative. Thankfully, the gentleman I was accompanying in Mexico kept his agreement of flying me back to my airport of origin - in this case LAX. Spent a couple days embracing family, unpacking and repacking for the next adventure. 42 hours after departure from California, I arrived at my Florida destination (huge thanks, in part, to my generous car angels – my Parents!)

With my furry charge, I enjoyed numerous walks in nature. Saw snakes, bunnies, squirrels, hawks, turtles, alligators……many of them pretty up close and personal. An ever-changing canvas, the sky always presented clouds in infinite expressions that brought me delight. Greenery everywhere was punctuated by varieties of colorful flowers, fruit and trees draped in enchanting Spanish Moss.

In Florida, I was invited to teach classes at Beyond Wishes, a wellness and rejuvenation oasis right near my beach in Nokomis. Abby Smiley Krause, co-owner of the center with her artist husband Tom Krause, is an upbeat vivacious fairy-like being with an infectious smile. It was an honor and joy to accept. Moving Meditation delivered an eclectic blend of yoga, Pilates, Alexander, Feldenkrais and my own intuitive flair. Like a chameleon, this class morphed into whatever was needed for my unique students present each day. If you are ever in the area, treat yourself to a visit to Beyond Wishes. Get pampered with one of their numerous offerings….a facial, reiki treatment, massage or a breath enhancing experience in the salt bed.  At the very least, browse their collection of wellness care products….skin care, essential oils, candles, jewelry, books and more. Enjoy the marine life art of Tom Krause….of course the dolphin and turtle ones are my favs.

I’ve wanted to attend Michelle Walling and Greg Prescott’s In5d conference for the past 5 years or so. Either I wasn’t in the right physical location or I didn’t have the money to attend. This year I was in the “right” place. While I still didn’t have the money, I had a credit card and trusted this was the appropriate choice. It was a pleasure finally meeting and hugging them in person as all previous communication had been electronic. Through a series of synchronistic signs, I also made a powerful connection with  PamelaAaralyn. This Spiritual Alchemist began seeing auras, energy and visions at the age of 5. Miraculously, I ended up on a pontoon boat day trip with her and a few other bright people on the gorgeous nearby intercoastal waterway. After a lovely lunch at Dry Dock, I experienced an insightful private reading with Pamela onboard the boat in that idyllic setting…..

Due to life happening as it does, I am not able to keep up with my networking or stay aware of all the opportunities/happenings around me. I simply trust I will meet those I am “supposed” to connect with and get whatever info is appropriate for me. Such clearly happens frequently for me. Of note was a fb friend posting about his company, Dragonfly Expeditions. I am guessing I originally connected with Charles in my previous research for the Bahamas. Knowing he is also affiliated with other travel enterprises, Tropic Moon Media, Margaritaville Adventures and Windjammer Sailing Adventures, I was guided to contact him to see if there was any way we might be able to benefit each other in the future. He responded quickly to my message saying they could always use “guides” and to call him after Thanksgiving. Calling the day after, I was amazed that he actually answered the phone. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I shared with him my quest for a tropical place that I “see” in my dreams and visions – a place I am not even sure if exists on this planet (Baring My Soul and Planting a Dream). Continuing, I told him any endeavor that brings me closer in my search, and that also honors all involved, interests me which is why I contacted him. Instead of blowing my story off, Charles asked me for details of this place. A well-traveled man himself, he started coming up with a few location possibilities.  Long story short, my arriving in Coral Gables to meet with him was full of wild synchronicities….perhaps a story for another day if it ends up going further. Not only did my adventure include meeting him at the Biltmore Hotel, I was invited to participate in a tour he was giving that day on Key Biscayne. I experienced so many incredible sights and learnings in a few short hours as Charles is somewhat of a charming walking encyclopedia.

I was privileged to have opportunities to attend numerous Holiday Celebrations. Again, thanks flowing to all who helped facilitate... The spirit of peace and joy warmed my heart and body this season helping to prepare for a bright New Year!

My commission over, the journey continues…….Thanks for accompanying me!!

P.S. Here are a couple funnies I shared on fb to provide a smile or two:

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