Sunday, December 1, 2013

California Dreamin'

Why California Dreamin?  Because, at the moment, I am in California and I am dreaming ….Dreaming of warm sunshiny days, of smooth sandy beaches that go for miles, of warm turquoise crystal clear water teaming with sea life including my dolphin friends, of endless swaying palm trees and dreaming of assisting people from this beautiful sanctuary.

However, in my NOW moment, I am in Gratitude.  I am thankful for my wonderful family here that I get to enjoy including my new grandpuppy.  I am thankful for so many supportive angel friends all over the world.  I am grateful that I don’t have to actually be near the water to feel Dolphin Energy.  I am thankful that I have warm clothes, plenty of delightful food and a roof over my head.  I am blessed with the absolute knowing that I am in the absolute right place at the perfectly right time.  I am grateful that I have remembered enough about who I really am to be able to be mostly at peace with all the apparent craziness of my life.  Here’s an awesome quote for me at this (perceived) time in my life from C. JoyBell C.   “I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.”  It was recently brought to my attention by my Sister Angel, Tania Marie, who writes a blog many of you may resonate with as it is so poignant for our ever-shifting times

While I am enjoying the holidays with family and friends, I am taking the baby steps as guided and walking through the doors as they reveal themselves to me in preparation for life in 2014.  There are still calls to Hawaii as well as hopes in Florida, although the possibilities are still world-wide.  I’m dancing with the flow and thankful that you are choosing to accompany my with your sparkling presence on this kaleidoscope journey! Abundant Blessings and Joyful Holidays ~

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I Don’t Know Where I’m Going and I’m Proud of It!

LOL I don’t know for sure what’s going to be going on in my life today and I’m celebrating.  Sounds a little insane I know.  But I’m proud of it as I have, for the most part, been living my message.  Except for some psychics,  No One really knows for sure what is going to happen the next minute.  Oh yes, once upon a time I had my life planned to a T for the next week, month and even years.  While my days went kind of how I anticipated, no day ever unfolded exactly how I expected.  That being said, another part of my message it that peace and happiness are not dependant on current circumstances.  Except for my “moments” here and there, my life IS joyful in spite of conditions others would see as scary, dangerous or uncomfortable.
Soooo, I am at another crossroads.  I still see visions of my Tropical Dolphin Spa Retreat although it still doesn’t feel particularly imminent.  The details continue to enchant me as if I was there…smooth, west facing beach where I run for miles, swaying palms, fragrant plumeria near warm, clear, turquoise, dolphin frequented waters.  I almost wrote “dolphin and mermaid” but didn’t want to stir up folk’s skeptical side.  I smell the salt air wafting on a gentle breeze when I step down the steps of my island home right onto the beach.  Mmmmm, Paradise!  My Goodness, where was I?  Oh yes, at a crossroads in life.

My 24/7 mission is finished, months before it’s expected time (see nothing is set in stone).  At a time I expected to be packing for Panama, I am re-connecting with friends, putting out ads and doing research.  It is incredible how many roads lead to Hawaii.  While an enchanting place I’ve been to a number of times, in this life and others, I have had a strong sense that it is not “the place”.  I was so fervently hunting for the place that, perhaps, it took me this long to realize there could be a number of stepping stones still between my here and there.  It would be no surprise that my Lemurian roots would be calling me back to that sacred, powerful area now known as Hawaii.  

While I am figuring out which way to go and how to make it all happen, perhaps you’d like to throw your energy into my game.  Might you have any connections in Hawaii, particularly the Big Island, that I might contact for further information?  If so, please E-Mail me.  Maybe you’d like to make a Donation to assist me in helping raise the energy and awareness on this planet.  If appropriate, we can do an exchange the “traditional way”….I give you something for which you pay me money.  Juice Plus as a nutritional support system and the Tower Garden are products I feel would boost most people’s wellness quotient.  Or perhaps you are ready to consider Telephone Coaching.  However you choose to participate, thank you for accompanying me on this journey! I look forward to our continued encounters both physically and in other dimensions.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


For years I have been remembering my spiritual powers more and more as well as invited situations in which I may continue to grow.  In the past I was a master of communication.  My phone calls and e-mails were answered, for the most part, within 24 hours.  In the event I couldn’t, I left a message stating such and had auto responders giving people a heads up.  Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and accomplishments where acknowledged in a timely manner with cards, e-notes and gifts.  Through my company, Universal Wellness (previously known as Fit Bodies), I sent out regular newsletters and e-mail updates.   I checked in on “my people” regularly, tooted my horn and marketed my business offerings at dozens of meetings every month as well as expanding my network through charity and community service.  I lectured, presented and taught various health related classes.

As the years continued, my “previous life” has gradually been dismantled.  The first dramatic change took place in 2006 when I moved to Florida.  I let go of my in person personal training business which previously made up the majority of my California “practice”.  In Florida, I continued Telephone Wellness Coaching, teaching group exercise classes and offering the nutritional support system I feel good about, Juice Plus.  The next significant shift happened in 2009 when my marriage, my house and my car removed themselves from my existence.  I was headed for a new life in Panama which would obviously drastically reduce my communication abilities.  In 2010, it became clear that my anticipated plans in Panama weren’t “panning” out and my gypsy journey was in full swing.  My life can be viewed in 2 ways….I am officially homeless OR everywhere I go is my home.  I prefer the latter.

I believed I would have, by now, a Spa Retreat by the Sea….a refreshing location the people could come for respite from their daily routines and for inspiring renewal.  Whether or not that location will appear in this existence of mine, I am now not sure.  It appears that I am the traveling retreat experience now.  I am taking the respite and renewal in very untraditional ways to the people I encounter in my travels.  Sometimes they are aware of it and sometimes not.  This is definitely not a traditionally “paid” job.  My pay is in the beauty of nature, my adventurous experiences and the kindness of the people in my path.  It has definitely been a humbling experience for me, so used to paying my way the usual way, to be supported by others who see the benefit of what I am doing.  Again, I acknowledge each and every one of my benefactors, from my family and friends to strangers on the street.  While still humbling, it is an exquisite delight to be able to see the light in people in ways I personally have not before.  The farther I get off the beaten path, the more I remember, the more I know!

Speaking of off the beaten path and lack of
communication….recently I had the longest experience of such which I take as an official transition the next level of my life.  I was in Panama for almost 2 months.  Due to computer issues, I was without communication for almost the entire time.  It felt like a mixed blessing.  Part of me kept trying to figure out how to get connected to technology to keep up with my communication.  The other part of me delighted in the whole new world of attention to the necessities of the moment and full appreciation of the Nature I was in.  This took my living in the moment to an even higher level.

Now, in this moment, I am not even able to offer my 6 week Telephone Wellness Coaching as I don’t know if I will be in an area at an appointed time with the ability of connecting by phone.  I still do occasional coaching sessions under the guise of “catching up” but not many formal scheduled coaching calls.  The only thing I am promoting in exchange for money is Juice Plus and the Tower Garden.  These things are handled by others mostly so I feel sure my clients will get excellent service whether I am available or not.
I have officially come to the conclusion I will never completely catch up – something I learned when I tried to wade through something like 3000 emails and continue taking care of my task at hand.  My current mission has me on my toes almost 24/7.  It is a challenge, a pleasure and a amazing dance ever spiraling me to higher and higher levels of existence and awareness.  I welcome and greet anyone on this journey with me.  Yes, you know full well who you are…whether we communicate in the physical (phone, email etc) or via telepathy….we are the change we wish to see in this world!  Thank you for all your gifts and energy you bring to this magnificent banquet of life!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Another Failed Journey?

Gratitude is usually something I end my blog posts with and something pouring forth from me as I start this one.  Thank you one and all for the myriad ways you have so generously contributed to my miraculous life!  There are those who use this blog to judge, gossip and use as ammunition against me.  I was tempted to stop posting but 100 ill-users cannot outweigh the 1 magnificent situation here and there where my writing has inspired someone to awaken a bit more.  So, no matter which camp you are in I know that, in some way, you bless me.  I celebrate one and all as we journey together in enlightenment.

Many of you were aware that I was headed to the Bahamas last March.  Hours were spent researching and making contacts there.  A possibility of a joint business venture with a Bahamian gal on the island of Andros (near Bimini) was in the air.  I even had some properties to investigate as the owners were interested in doing a trade with my Costa Rica land.  At one point a sizable Angel contribution landed in my PayPal account making the Spa Retreat research journey to the Bahamas look very viable.  My sweet, ever supportive daughter hosted 2 fundraising yard sales to help facilitate my trip.  Many friends and family members generously contributed to the sales too.  A captain friend in Miami agreed to be my taxi throughout the Bahamas on his sailboat.  When I arrived in Miami, one thing after another incredibly kept coming up for the captain delaying our trip.  It finally got to the point that I informed the captain I’d run out of waiting money and wouldn’t be sailing with him.  The friend who was kindly housing me at that time treated me to a Thai restaurant for lunch.  My fortune cookie said, “When one door closes another opens”…..duh, story of my life!  Sure enough, within days I was off on my next adventure.

Many would say the Bahamas trip was yet another failed journey as I started out thinking one thing would happen which then turned into something else…..just like my “move” to Panama in 2009 and many other “changed” adventures.  The Universe/My Higher Self/God (or however you choose to address the Creative Source) always is there guiding me.  I feel so blessed!  I have had people say, “I’m sorry that your Bahamas trip didn’t work out”.  While I appreciate their caring for me, I must say I’m not sorry.  Yes, I was excited about that trip and I am just as thrilled to be on the “trip” I find myself on right now.  I always know what step is best for me to take in my Now moment as long as I am tuned in.  This makes life so much more simple and peaceful no matter how chaotic and dramatic it may seem on the outside.  And while it appears that I keep switching paths, it is indeed the same perfect journey with the constant I can always count on being change.  This is the same with you.  How accepting are you of change?  How open are you to growth?  Like you I have intentions and ideas.  I put them out there and declare…… “This or something better for the highest good of all”.  Talk about winning all the time!  WhooHoo!

Now it appears that I have much traveling ahead of me.  When I am in the United States I am available for Personal Transformational Wellness Telephone Coaching on a very limited basis.  If you are interested, mention you read this here and I will email more details as soon as I am technologically able.

If anyone is ready for a total lifestyle change and is interested in possibly relocating to a tropical area to participate in manifesting the Spa Retreat, please let me know as well.  If you do not already have my email, please visit my website and contact me through there.
And now I again bask in Gratitude for each and every one of you.  Thank you for  all the ways you contribute to me.  I grow stronger every moment and happily swirl the good vibes back to you!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Working Hard VS Dedication

“He (or she) is a very hard worker.”  I heard this expression a number of times recently and it is used very often as a compliment or indicator of what a good person someone is.  The society most of us live in has people so conditioned that it is a virtue to be “hard-working”.  I am a very hard worker at times myself.  In fact, the mission I am currently on requires a 24/7 commitment.  Often I work way harder than people with “regular jobs”.  However, people who don’t understand what I do would think I am not a “hard worker” since I don’t make any money.   Actually I don’t strive to be a hard worker.  Neither do I think I am better or worse than anyone else due to the level they work or the level I do.  So many people “work hard” at jobs they hate or don’t love.  When you consider most of folk’s waking hours are spent at work, this can’t be too great for their overall well-being.  No wonder there are so many cases of stress related ailments.

Now dedication to something is very different than hard-working.  One can work “hard” at something they are dedicated to yet it doesn’t feel like hard work, servitude or drudgery.  There is a saying that when you love what you do you never have to work another day in your life.  That’s the major difference between working the majority of your life at something and dedicating your life to something.  As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, the amount of money one makes is not a valid gauge of one’s value or how hard one works either.  People can make varying amounts of money based on how smart one gains it.  They can align themselves to the energy of winning the lottery, playing poker or Vegas gambling.  Others, like myself are of service in exchange for other’s providing for them…and it’s not always a direct exchange with the same people.  I am seeing the latter happening more and more upon the planet thankfully. Although I must admit there are still days it is a little challenging being on the cutting edge in this area.  Thankfully I am so engaged in my mission, I spend less time thinking about that and more time in gratitude for what I am able to do and appreciating the folks who sponsor and contribute to me along the way.

I do still take steps here and there to create financial income the “usual” way.  Since most people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables even to maintain their health where it is, I offer an awesome nutritional support system through Juice Plus If you haven’t visited my Juice Plus site recently, please check it out as there is an abundance of new resources and nutritional information.  Incorporating the Juice Plus capsules can majorly assist your health and you would be doing yourself and even greater service consuming you own home grown fruits and veggies.  Since this is very difficult for many people due to space restraints and lack of a green thumb, the Tower Garden is a magical answer for them.  Due to the nature of the product, the produce ripens much quicker than the traditional methods as well! If you or anyone you know might benefit, I’d be honored to be able to support your well-being in this way.