Friday, December 10, 2021

Infinite Gratitude ~ Infinite Holiday

I was going to entitle my November newsletter, “Infinite Gratitude”. It was going to be my nod to the Thanksgiving Holiday and the fact I celebrate that sentiment every day. I regularly urge others to do the same for so many reasons. Gratitude has an interesting way of multiplying things to be grateful for and there are no words for the state dwelling in gratitude can bring. Then, I decided I would be grateful for giving myself a month off from the technical frustrations my newsletter has brought in the past. Then, I thought about how it really isn’t much of a newsletter anyway. I rarely share current pics of myself, my family and surroundings for privacy purposes. In fact, I wondered – as I have numerous times before – if it was time to simply discontinued my regular posts. While I still don’t know what the future holds, in this literary regard, I do know I am inspired to share a post this month.

Repeat of One of My Favorite Gratitude Images

You probably immediately get the “Infinite Gratitude” aspect but “Infinite Holiday”? I remember, years back, when I first heard friends from the UK and friends from Canada saying they were "on holiday". It took me a short bit to realize they were, in more familiar terms that I was used to, on vacation. Way back when I worked 70-90 hour weeks, I dreamed of being on vacation. As my life evolved, I mused about how off balance the traditional work/vacation balance was. No wonder so many people have numerous ailments – spiritually, physically and emotionally. I decided to make my life a vacation. I wanted to live “on holiday” every day! Well, now I do. It is more of a mindset than a place. Although, I must admit, I have definitely manifested places, most of the time, that others visit on their dream vacation. Even on days I am physically working hard for hours, I regularly look at my surroundings noticing all the things I love about them. I feel appreciation for all the aspects I now have and live that I would incorporate in my “dream vacation”. And, as alluded to earlier, it’s amazing how much being thankful brings about more to be thankful for.

I’d also notice what I loved about celebrating certain “holidays”. Then, I’d see how I could include some of those cheerful, celebratory qualities into my every day. A culinary treat, meaningful music, wearing something that makes me feel good, a fragrant candle, fresh flowers, surprising someone else with a little gift, putting up a fun decoration – the possibilities are….well, infinite. No surprise the silly song from Mary Poppins loops through my head frequently, “It’s A Jolly Holiday With Mary…” Haha.  

Pretty Shell Christmas Trees and Shell Bells accompanied other Christmas themed beach art offered this season. Let me know asap if you are interested in any of these One Of A Kind pieces to brighten your holidays or for a last minute treasure to gift to another. By the way, the little gift embellishment tags double as ornaments/decorations after gift is opened.

 Huge ongoing thanks for your presents/presence in my life. Whatever you choose to celebrate, I wish you heart-felt, joyous holidays. May your lives be filled with love and may you always have an abundance of things to be thankful for. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Time Changes

Interesting how the ongoing message of changing times continues to echo around the “time” many countries are participating in the silly practice of changing their clocks. No surprise, at one point, it was called War Time.
This custom, that has gone on for decades, is so hazardous to numerous individuals’ health but just accepted as normal by most. Many people these days desperately want things to go back to “normal”. They don’t realize that many unpleasant things that were “normal” can only be improved with massive change.

Have you ever considered the difference between “normal” and “natural”? although the two words are often used interchangeably, they have very different meanings. Normal is conforming to the standard, typical or expected. Natural, on the other hand, is existing in nature, not caused or created by humankind. Then again, I can always argue everything I say as human language is so limited for me. One could argue that humankind IS part of nature but I think you get the picture as far as the point of considering that everything “normal” might not be particularly desirable.

I am, by no means, implying that everything “normal” is negative. There is much beauty all around us we can put our focus on and create more of. The course of change in each of our individual lives is directly affected by our reactions and contributions to the situations around us -- something I definitely need to remind myself of regularly.

This season of Mabon, Halloween, Samhain, and Dia De Los Muertos invites us to play a little more in the realm of the supernatural. Do you have celebrations and practices that uplift you? Were there practices in your past that might be fun to incorporate again today? Perhaps something new is more appropriate for the way you wish to change things in your world. However you choose to observe special holidays, or not, I honor you!

More than one kind of magical pumpkin

Hag's Stones with Scary Shells
This could be a fun time to explore Hag’s Stones, with their naturally occurring holes, for decorative purposes or to include in your ceremony /practices. These are also known as Witch’s Stones, Fairy Stones or Adder’s Stones.   

For Thanksgiving, check out the Pilgrim Pair
– Collectable Salt and Pepper Shakers by Publix Supermarkets 2002.

Ty Beanie Babies are cute collectibles and I
am offering a 
ty Original Beanie Babies 2003
Little Feather Indian Thanksgiving Bear. 

Incorporating natural with practical, this Shell Mermaid / Merman Trinket Tray would make a unique gift with unlimited uses….coins, jewelry, desk items and more.

Please contact for information to acquire any of these Gifts From the Sea and Other Treasures.

If you are reading this without being notified via email and wish you be on the list, please contact with your name and email address. I am doing my best to navigate the technological jungles and will continue as long as peaceful.

Sending warm, heart-felt thoughts to all my ab-normal friends! You are indeed special to me and much appreciated. Celebrate the holidays you choose to celebrate in the manner that brings you much joy…in these changing times.

PS Thank you for your patience with my fonts and pictures in strange places. Things look very different when I am composing and certain things won't go where I place them.
And I don't know how you are seeing it, but it's kinda spooky how my Spooky Shells and Stones keep disappearing to varying degrees......Technology!!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Common Sense?

“It’s just common sense!” has been uttered dogmatically throughout the decades. But is it really? Ever consider why common sense isn’t so common? The reasons are as vast as the planet and beyond. Most people where not brought up the same way – different parents, different countries, different languages and cultures. This alone would contribute to so many thoughts/beliefs/actions not held in common. What is a sign of appreciation in some cultures, is an insult in others. What is a compliment to one, is an insult to another. What is gorgeous to some, is ghastly to someone else. One’s justice - another’s crime.

Usually, when people call on “common sense”, they really mean common to what they themselves believe is right or makes sense. They align with others who have programming, beliefs and practices in common with them, thus reinforcing their own beliefs and way of life.

So, you see, it is virtually impossible to have only one way of being even in one city – much less the whole world. Instead of bemoaning the lack of, or wishing for, common sense, might it not be more helpful to look for common ground? We will all have our differences – those things that make each and every one of us uniquely beautiful. We wouldn’t really want to all look the same – think the same – act the same. We aren’t robots or a clone race so let’s celebrate our differences and enjoy our similarities.  

Something many have in common with me, to a greater or lesser degree, is a dependence on technology. Once upon a time I was told

that everyone successful in business needed proper branding and a website. I spent a lot of time, money and energy cultivating that “requirement” and never had the results I’d hoped for with them. What’s more - these activities certainly didn’t fall into the “what brings me joy” category. Recently, I have made the tough decision to take my website down. With technology changing every week, I really hadn’t been able to use it properly for the past 15+ years. I held on to retain info on it that I wanted and hoped, someday, to have someone else take over. Or, at least, make it so I could manage the content again. In all these years, neither has happened and it had become more and more obsolete. Perhaps a sign I may not need as much technology in the future?

Another sign (?) is my email continuing to be blocked and the alternate service to my challenges – Mailchimp – not performing (pun intended) desirably either.   First it was my email service – Rackspace -  that was supposedly the problem – evidently flagged for “spam”. It seems that sending something only once a month is suspicious as opposed to filling peoples’ email boxes on a more frequent basis. Then it was the recipients. Hotmail, aol and yahoo were big spam offenders so they were punishing me? by blocking my emails? I still get a plethora of spam flowing to my Hotmail and universalwellness accounts so none of it makes sense at all to me – from a human perspective, that is. Whatever the issue, it really seems like the tech windows are closing around me….

For now, I am still offering Juice Plus and
Tower Garden – powerful solutions to assist you in taking charge of your own health and wellness. I am occasionally “in range” to offer Wellness Coaching by Phone – a 6 week intensive life charge or “re-boot”. If you think this might be just the boost you need, please contact for details.

With summer wrapping up (in the northern hemisphere) and an abundance of holidays around the corner, consider one of a kind, hand-crafted with love, beach inspired art. Please check out Gifts From the Sea and Other Treasures on etsy and enjoy pics on our facebook page as well. There is a possibility for custom commissions for a limited time so please contact with your interest and ideas. Oh, and we do have Spooky Shells available again to scare up unique fun with your Halloween decorations. Message with your interest asap! 

Part of my mission is making compassion, love and beauty more “common”. I sense if we can increase the percentage of those qualities in the world, we will increase the light and happiness of all humanity. Huge gratitude to each of you who have blessed me with these qualities in one way or another. You have definitely recharged me, increasing my ability to continue the bright flow. Please, all who read this, do something compassionate, loving and beautiful for someone else as well as yourself today 💖 One thing we all have in common is each being part of the change happening on this planet. What kind of change are you envisioning and manifesting? You are more powerful than you can imagine! If it feels appropriate for you, let’s join hearts and help increase the wave of love washing over this entire world! If fact, the more people that hold this intention in common, the more magnificent the “magical” results.

Namaste ~

Friday, August 6, 2021

For the Longest Time….

I recently moved on from what has been my longest stay in one place since I owned a house. It got me thinking how I never really was in any location very long even when I did own houses. The longest was in my West Hills, California home – about 5 years. By then, I’d stayed in dozens of places – my kids, already in gypsy mode too, were in their 6th home. That 5-year duration was topped only by my childhood home, about 8 years before my life turned upside down. A blessing or a curse is just a matter of perspective but it definitely began my nomadic, or gypsea, journey at that tender age of 8. So much for my younger-self dreams of an idyllic house that would be my forever home. Among other things, this journey has definitely showered me with lessons of flexibility and the art of adapting to many varied situations and conditions.

My most gracious and generous hosts of these 2 magnificent years made me part of their family. Like second nature, we regularly found ways of happily brightening each other’s lives. They are one of the most loving couples on this planet – truly a refreshing reminder that such a beautiful relationship is possible. It’s amazing how some people work their way into your heart making strangers friends and then, family. They are now forever stuck in my heart – including their furbabies - and I will always be grateful to them!

In that time, I’ve run a Halloween attraction as Cat Woman and played as Santa’s Helper. I've been a Fitness Coach, Wellness Consultant, House-Sitter, Pet-Sitter, Baby-sitter, Chauffeur, Wedding Planner, Short Order Cook, Banquet Assistant, Beach Craft Artist, Mover, Estate Clearer, Masseuse, Hair Stylist, and Mermaid…even did a little business coaching (obviously non-traditional). No pics as I am not a fan of selfies, rarely carry a camera, and prefer some semblance of privacy both for myself and my hosts.

Dolphins, manatees, and turtles were my frequent companions as were the moon, the stars and planets. The beach was my daily constant – so essential in my important as the air I breath. Although I spoke earlier about adapting to different circumstances, I think it’s helpful to notice those conditions that nurture us most. Personally, I am able to flourish more when I intentionally align myself with those uplifting spaces and energies. This applies to locations, people and activities engaged in.

During my stay, I was blessed with 3 offers to assist in other situations - even in other countries. While deeply honored by these kind invitations, I felt I could maintain a desirable balance of being of service and living peacefully by staying put during these interesting world circumstances - the whole time, feeling incredibly grateful to have the option.

A big shout out to my wonderful daughter too – The Wind Beneath My Wings – for the many ways she brightens my life. If you haven’t visited already, please check out our esty store Gifts From The Sea Shop she set up and maintains to help support my nomadic travels. If you are on fb, she also manages a page there where you can view our offerings Gifts FromThe Sea and Other Treasures. Remember, we have fun Halloween Spooky Shells - both sold loose and in Tiny Frame Art - as well as whimsical Holiday Angels too. Explore lots of unique gift and decorating ideas for your holidays ahead! Feel free to contact with inquiries. Thanks in advance for taking a peek, for sharing with others, and to all who have already made purchases. It means a lot to both of us!

Again, I am super appreciative for the kind-hearted and generous folks all around the world who continue to leave their doors open and welcome mat out for me. Often, I wish I could remember how to bi-locate to physically assist so many dear to my heart.  

And while I have embraced the possibility of living this gypsea life indefinitely, I also allow for the possibility of My Paradise manifesting in this lifetime. That place where, if I find it, I just may never want to go anywhere else again. 

Love and Bright Blessings to All reading this.
You are so appreciated!