Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Technology Miracles & More

Greetings All!

My trusty computer died August 5th after many long years of faithful service moving and traveling with me more times than I can keep track of. Since I still don't have a car and maintain the place I live for the roof over my head, the computer was my main means of contact with the outside world and path to potential income sources. Yes, I needed miracles and fast!

The first miracle was that I was able to practice what I preached. Many times people say (or think) when I share wisdom with them, "That's easy for you to say when you are not in it". Well, I was able to remain peaceful throughout these weeks of not having my information and trust the Universe/God would provide for me as needed for my highest and best good. I also used the quieter time for meditation and assisting people on a more energetic level.

Then my Earth Angels began getting involved. 3 friends assisted me in trying to resuscitate my old computer and try to get my info from another computer. Then my Parental Angels and Axicom Angels went in high gear.
Gratefully, I got my brand new laptop August 13 (Friday the 13th is indeed a fortunate day for me!) and am back on my way to making all the connections technologically to move me forward and assist others as well.

Along with learning the nuances of this computer, I will be doing my best to go through approximately 4,000+ e-mails. If you contacted me and I haven't responded yet, thank you for your understanding and patience! If you sent me a message regarding complimentary Telephone Wellness Coaching or interest in Retreat participation, please shoot me another e-mail so they are on the top on my list!

Another interesting tidbit is that my computer gave up the ghost right after I discovered that my Amazon link wasn't functioning properly so I won't be getting my commissions from the last 2 years. Thanks for the good intentions of everyone who has supported my by using my Virtual Mall. There is a reason for everything and that reason does support what's best for us. I will let folks know when I can get the link repaired....for those still desiring to order "Anastasia" and other materials from Amazon through me.

Reminding everyone again to please pay attention to their nutrition habits....We all need the nutrients of approximately 15-17 raw, fresh fruits, veggies and grains for our body's maintenance and repair. Please consider Juice Plus+ if you or your family is a little shy on these. I appreciate you allowing me to support you in this way and, even more, your body and mind with thank you!

Take good care of yourselves and I will be in touch either via e-mail, FB, SN, RCR or......the Higher Levels :-)
PS. Don't know why this post doesn't read Aug. 13 since that's the day I posted it. Anyway....today is Aug. 21 and I am still working on getting my e-mail straightened out. Currently can't get all my e-mail.....going over some of the same e-mails 3 times....more fun and patience!!! Hopefully next week....in the meantime, I think I'm around getting close to 5,000 to catch up on.


    Good to hear from you!!! Was beginning to wonder if you may have gone on an extended off-planet adventure. LOL
    I enjoyed hearing about your latest adventures, miracles and lovely angel companions. ("Birds of a feather...")
    Computers and their place in our lives are such an ongoing adventure. I just heard of a group of college kids who did a research project on living for a period of time with no computers. I laughed so much at their "discoveries" of how "they" managed to do it in the old days. When did I become one of "they"? LOL LOL
    I know you were always connected in other ways, but welcome back to this physical Internet.

  2. Hi Gisele! I wish I was technologically inclined enough to figure out how to be notified when someone posts a comment here as I just happened to see this today. I thank you for always being with me whether physically or in the ethers :-) Am enjoying your cool shares as I have time so thanks again for all the smiles!! xoxox Michelle
