Friday, December 29, 2017

Merry Everything…..Happy Always!

This is the time of year that one often hears Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! While I certainly wish that warmly to all my family and friends who observe  these specific dates, there is so much more to celebrate. Not only do I honor all the various celebrations, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa and more….but every personal accomplishment, event and Being each and every day! And while the New Year has so many gearing up for a new start, why not greet every minute as the beginning of the rest of your life? There are enough challenges going on in the world. I feel an attitude of gratitude along with an air of peace and celebration on a regular basis would certainly make a bright massive difference.

On my journey, from the Big Island of Hawaii I traveled to California to assist family going through life transitions. Although change is not always easy, it is exciting and blossoming with fresh possibilities. What a perfect time for shedding the old and dancing into the new! It was a lovely opportunity to greet family and friends again too.

Reaching out on behalf of a Dear Friend in California in need
of a kidney. I call her Dynamite and she has successfully had the upper hand of this situation for over 35 years. Now, her kidneys are functioning at 12% and she is looking for a donor. This person need not be the same blood type. If you have any information that might help, please contact asap!!

It was in Hawaii that I learned that Heaven reclaimed another Sweet Angel. In California that Angel gifted me with a sign. What is in my future? That sign and a recent Dolphin Dialogue via a bright Dolphin Friend might help guide me. We shall see what unfolds😊 Anne Gordon de Barrigon is offering a free 15 minute Dolphin Dialogue to spread goodwill and also see if future similar Dolphin Messages are appropriate with package offerings.The very powerful communication from the Dolphins through Anne Gordon de Barrigon both inspired and warmed my heart!! Whether you reach out to Anne or desire Wellness Coaching from a Traveling Gypsy, may 2018 see you reaching new heights of health and happiness. Most importantly, enjoy the moment!

Whatever and whoever you choose to celebrate…..Cheers!!  Peace and Love Always!

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