Friday, April 27, 2018

Treasure Hunt

My Quest continues, as perhaps does yours. Mine to possibly find my Tropical Paradise -  Yours….well fill that part in yourself. Of course, getting to or being something or having is not the be all end all. It is the joy of the Journey, the thrill of the chase, the fun of the hunt! I delight multiple times a day in finding the clues or Winks from Heaven as I call them.

On a local neighborhood walk, I noticed a collection of yard sale leftovers by the curb for the taking, or the trash. Not having a house, I didn’t need the desk or the carpet cleaner. Even though ribbon was provided, I’m past typewriters too. Nice couple of tennis rackets yet not in the market. But that little cardboard box…..with the pencil writing…. Could it really be DOLPHIN MERMAID inside?! YES!! Another sign I am in exactly the right place at the right time no matter how crazy my life may seem.

Blissfully on the beach morning and night, I had the opportunity for infinite surprises.  Although not crazy about them, I have an eye for shark teeth. I have found and given away more than I can count. However, if you think about it, shark teeth are shaped a lot like hearts and I see hundreds of hearts on the beach daily. Brings to mind one Master's wisdom, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

Now for the Key Miracle: It was a gorgeous morning prompting my long sleeve shirt off as I was flying over the sand about one and a half miles out. After running what I deemed enough, I broke into a comfortable walk. I was feeling light noticing more beauty each moment.  The vibrant pinks and purples of the sky as the sun rose were particularly awe-striking. “Move On” by ABBA looped in my head. It was probably initially prompted by the larger than usual crashing waves, thanks to the 20-25mph winds, "….like a roller in the ocean…".  On my return trip, I’d picked up shells, shark teeth and bits of sea glass but was curious about what I saw next. A purple coil key bracelet peeked out from under a piece of seaweed freshly tossed up by the previous wave. "It looks just like mine", I mused as I nudged it with my toe revealing the attached key, only to realize it WAS mine! Incredulously I retrieved it. Up to that point, I wasn’t even aware that it was missing from my wrist! It was an absolute miracle considering so many factors: It had to have come off when I removed my shirt in the darkness about one and a half miles out of the five to six miles north I'd traveled. It was hours since I’d lost it and returned to that vicinity. I don’t walk a straight line on the beach rather up to the grasses then down into the water curious puppy fashion. By that time, many other folks would have passed that spot. I guess the Universe wanted me to be in a state of Wonder and Appreciation sans the worry that might have occurred had I noticed it was gone.

Pastry Artist Jovana Uneitis Boksen is the Magician behind The Artistic Whisk in St. Pete’s Florida. The most delicious and glorious creations are conjured by her and her amazing team. Recently I had the pleasure of being an honorary team member for a day. While not what I am usually referring to as “my shell crafts”, this was a sweet, fun experience for me. Jovana surprised me later with a photo of the gorgeous cake my handiwork was used to decorate. Love all those little shells and starfish! Thank you Jovana for this memorable treat! A new retail bakery in St. Petersburg, Florida is in the works for Jovana. If you have any leads for a large space for a production bakery, please get in touch with her. And, if you are anywhere in the area needing to supply a celebration or special event with extraordinary confections to delight your guests, contact The Artistic Whisk 

While I’m never sure what the future holds – until it is the Present – if you feel you’ve wanted to try Wellness Coaching by Phone, NOW is the time. I’m pretty sure I can complete a six week program with you if you contact me soon. Remember, our journey starts with a complimentary consultation to make sure it will be appropriate and successful!

Thank you so much for all your support and love on this Treasure Hunt called Life. May your personal signs, clues, and discoveries bring you abundant treasures each and every day!


  1. I love learning that shark's teeth look like hearts! I <3 Hearts! And LOVE hearing about how you found your key! Your writing and sharing is so inspirational, beautiful and appreciated!

    1. Dear Peg, Delighted to have you along for the journey! Hearts and Love....a great way to bring people together. Thank you for your kind comments too. <3 Michelle

  2. WOW great adventures, beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing with us. I love the heart shaped shark teeth. I imagine doing something special with them, maybe a necklace or hair pin. I love heart shaped anythings and I am sure you know why. Thanks again Michelle for sharing your stories. It brings joy to my day. Be safe out there. Linda V your neighbor from the past and your friend forever.

    1. Ah grateful to have such a sweet Valentine as you in my world! And of course I know "why" :-) Appreciating your lovely words and company <3

  3. Michelle dear, delightful as always
    Thank you for sharing, so great to be with you. I am sharing my light in France & love it here.

    Life is magical .
    Hugs 💗💕 xxxx

    1. Sweet Phyllis,
      Appreciating your kind words and thrilled to be journeying with you too! France is privileged to have you shining as only you can. Our now is magical indeed!
      <3 xo
