Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Gift of Receiving

 Happy Holidays Dear Ones!

Last month, I talked about life lessons and how I personally continue to dance with quite a few. There was particularly that one about being at peace no matter what is happening around – being the eye of the storm. I noticed another that I thought I’d gotten much better at but, evidently, could still use a little attention. The way I see it, we get opportunities over and over to feel and master certain areas until they are a non-issue. Mentioned a while back was I Give As I Receive. That too appears to be an ongoing lesson for me – the receiving part, that is. But I’ll touch on that a bit later. For now, I’d like to give a little more 😊

While I shared Hawaiian and French Polynesian adventures a bit in my previous post, it was difficult to just include those few pics. So here are more trip pics for your continued enjoyment.

Everywhere I go......

Yes, they let me play with them
Mmmmmm - that blue....

My path was often strewn with flowers

Pastry Decadence!

Magic under the sea....

Some have indicated interest in parts of my experience I’ve kept mostly hidden for decades. Partly because I didn’t want to offend folks’ personal beliefs and partly because I might be written off as crazy - not fitting into any “normal boxes” of the day. By now, you already know I am not normal and I appreciate your acceptance  - in spite of it or because of it 😉The time has now come to speak my truth more. I should not be stepping on any toes as I reiterate it is my truth. This is not to say your truth is wrong if we don’t align. It is presented as food for thought or, possibly, simply for your entertainment. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience on this planet. We are spiritual beings having a human experience on this planet. More and more people these days are grasping this concept. It is indeed a much more powerful place to come from when we have that understanding. A bit more difficult for some to fathom is that we are not even in the Universe, so to speak. Rather, the entire Universe is within us! Even Yeshua, aka Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within”. Our outer world is a brilliant projection of that Inner-verse or Kingdom. In line with that, I have alluded to this BEing, currently
known as Michelle, having other lifetimes/existences – among them, a priestess in both Atlantis and Lemuria, and even a pirate! For those who wish to get a little more esoteric, I also have memories (or awareness) even "before" planet Earth. Perhaps my sense of being a very large cat reflects a Lyran lineage.  While we may all have influence from different star systems or races, I also feel a strong connection with the Pleiades. And that is my tiny crumb of information that I am putting out for
now. Many will just blow right past it which it totally perfect too. Again, it is an invitation for those who align with that crumb of information to, perhaps, dig more deeply into their own wonderings and remembrances. It would bring me much delight if you’d share your personal stories and experiences around such as well.

The Gift of Receiving is actually a two way street. We allow ourselves to be blessed with kindness, abundance, love and more. In so doing, we also are giving the gift of the opportunity for the giver to bless us. You know how wonderful it often feels when we give a gift or do a good deed for another. Imagine if no one accepted your gifts. That probably wouldn’t feel as good in your efforts. There needs to be a recipient to have that warm fuzzy feeling when we give. Many of us have been brought up to believing it is better to give than receive (and that makes sense how?) and that it is better to do things by ourselves than get help. Maybe it’s time to rethink that as well as so many other deeply ingrained belief systems. For me, it’s a matter of realizing many of those old belief systems are faulty, but there are so many layers of them I haven’t been able to turn them off like a switch. They come up over and over again, sometimes in different guises. I have a choice to fall back into familiar patterns or gently coax myself into healthier directions. This holiday season, I am giving myself the gift of patience and compassion as I allow myself to be exactly where I am in my process. And in this place, I am open to receive all the love and abundance of the Universe though the various avenues it flows profusely my way. This is my wish for you too – if that aligns with your individual desire.

My new computer has never got up to speed with the capacity of old computer, working at about 50% functionality.  It was time for my former technology angels of decades to sign off Project Gypsea. I am deeply grateful for all those years of caring tech support. I continue to trust I will have whatever information and features are necessary for my highest good and those who are affected by my technology one way or another.

Even Juice Plus is going through major changes causing many, many hours of technology challenges with seemingly not a lot of positive results. If anyone has had difficulty with my links or the new website, let me know and I will do what I peacefully can to assist. This just continues to emphasize that my efforts at making money the “traditional way” are much less effective than my non-orthodox methods. That being the case, it will be interesting to see how the Universe provides for me in 2025. Once again, I am looking for a new work exchange situation near a tropical beach. House-sitting, pet-sitting, and property management are of particular interest although I am open to many other possibilities as well. Please contact me with any leads/ideas you may have.

Almost forgot to mention…you may have noticed that Tower Garden  is now available on Amazon. This is beneficial as it will reach more people and hopefully inspire a healthier way of life for them as well. That being said, you will still get better pricing from using my link  if you are interested in acquiring one for your home.

And so I wrap up this holiday post with sparkling well wishes from my heart to yours. Imagining our New Year filled with much magic as we give/receive the Gift of Loving and Accepting Ourselves…just the way we are.


  1. Wow , I love all your photos!!! Amazing shades of blue in several of your beach pictures. Flowers are so colorful I can imagine the fragrance they provide. You are living the life. Stay happy and healthy. Enjoy your grand baby!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Michelle.

    1. Awww, thank you so much for enjoying with me! I smilingly receive the gift of your kind comments and well wishes. Reflecting all your wonder, I just know you will have a Happy Christmas and wonderful 2025!

  2. Heh Lady... great to see these AMAZING pictures and your never ending words of wisdom! Keep living your fabulous life and continue on your amazing journey. I admire you for always being a way to enable yourself to continue to follow your dreams! Blessings for a fabulous Holiday Season and I do hope that can spend it with that adorable little Guy with Tasha and her husband.... Merry, Merry and Happy, Happy!! Make 2025 AMAZING!! Peace, Love and Light....

    1. Heh Sweetie ~ glad for our warm and wonderful connection across time and miles! "I get by with a little help from my friends". Thanks you for your blessings and wishes. Wishing you the same shared with your family and loved ones. Keep shining as only one know how....
