No surprise, my sweet little grandson made his appearance on this planet during Love Month. He has been an unanticipated joy this past year moving from precious angelic infant to bright, bustling, smiling toddler. Happy Birthday Dear Little Boy! We have had oodles of fun and delight together celebrating You!

While the Chinese Lunar Year of the Snake officially kicked off January 29th, I’d like to “shed” a bit more light here now. The spiritual significance of Snake includes shedding the old, rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. Snakes have shown up a number of times during my life.
In Florida, they appeared as Guardian snakes. When I actually owned a house in Florida, there were snake burrows both at the front and back doors. I would find them out sunning themselves regularly. Often, they would lift their head off the ground 5-8 inches. I’d squat down or sit on the ground near them and
commune. Sometimes our faces were only 12 inches apart for a significant amount of time. There were instances the snake would leave first and others that I needed to get going first. Certain snakes are said to be Guardians of the Temple. I felt it very appropriate and was honored by their vigilant presence. It could have been the building that housed me was a temple or they were metaphorically guarding the temple of my soul. Since then, I have stayed with many different hosts innumerous homes in Florida. At every single residence was at least one black guardian snake. It could be this Year of the Snake is metaphoric for me. Or, perhaps, it holds a magical transformation. It would be lovely if that included an enchanting tropical manifestation! Whatever the case, I know I still have layers to shed and levels of transformation to move through. Since my soul is immortal, perhaps my human aspect still needs to move through another evolution to get where I think I am going. Maybe I get there in this lifetime. Possibly another. For NOW, I continue to follow the clues as best I can, like a treasure hunt, for my tropical retreat calling. It’s a given that snakes are not on many people’s list of favorite animals. Especially with all the association of their kind over the ages – think Serpent in the Garden of Eden and St Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland. Even in those examples, many would be surprised if they knew the actual origin of those stories. And yes, I know reptiles aren’t the cuddliest of creatures as well. However, snakes do have some rather amazing qualities that we can learn and benefit from, if we so choose. Perhaps there is a little wiggle room in your belief system to learn from this sacred slithering species? Oh, one more thing I “get” from Snakes….to stay in your power no matter what others think. Who knows? You may get lucky and have a powerful breakthrough/transformation as you start shedding old beliefs that no longer positively serve you.
The words Thank You cannot adequately express how appreciative I am for your
ongoing support, encouragement, love and ideas as I journey forward on my Tropical Quest. For those readers new to the details and ways I am going about my mission…I travel to tropical beach locations that might hold clues for me. This is done mostly by work exchange – very little money. Here is a link to my profile on one of the exchange platforms I am on. Please share with anyone for whom it may be appropriate. I also welcome your ideas and connections for where My Place might be.If you have been inspired, entertained, or positively nudged by my writings and adventures, I would be honored if you’d consider donating to my quest…. There is a paypal link on the blogger site if you prefer. I do get the full amount of your donation if you specify it is a gift. zelle and venmo are also options. Contact me if you want more info in this regard. Thank You!
Feel the blessings and light I continue to swirl around you on your journey as we are all on a quest in one form or another.
Love Always ~